------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample project for Keil RVDS ARM (STM32F10x) - uVision 5.x Simulator Rev.: 1.0 // 2014/11/21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESSY 3.1.11 Keil uVision 5.05.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: keil_rvds_arm_uvision_ulink_me_stm32.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief description: The sample project uses only a simple function (is_value_in_range) and assumes that you have already experience with TESSY. 1) Please extract the archive in a folder of your choice (e.g. c:\projects but don't use c:\tessy). 2) Double-click ..\tessy\tessy.pdbx in order to import the sample project in TESSY 3.1. (or if Tessy is already open, choose File|Import Project and select then the ..\tessy\tessy.pdbx). 3) TESSY will open the Restore Database dialog. Please choose all modules. 4) If the environment editor is not starting, please open them from File|Edit Environment... You have to enable the compiler (General - Compiler) and the debugger (General - Targets). Please adjust the path for the Compiler and Debugger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two modules which are adjusted using the simulator or the Keil MCBSTM32 eval board. There is also a uVision sample project ..\Hello\Hello.uvproj. Please double-click Hello.uvproj to open this project in uVision. Please refer to the attached screenshots. You have to choose either TESSY_SIM or TESSY_FLASH. The project assumes that the folder c:\tessy exist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The message 'Failed to delete file ..\testarea\ts_slave.hex.plg' in the console of TESSY can be ignored.