------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Project for Tasking Tricore VX and Tasking Script Debugger for TC1797 Rev.: 1.0 // 2014/08/18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESSY 3.1.9 Tasking Tricore VX v4.3r1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: Tasking_Tricore_VX_Tasking_ScriptDebugger_TC1797.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief description: The sample project uses only a simple function (is_value_in_range) and assumes that you have already experience with TESSY. 1) Please extract the archive in a folder of your choice (e.g. c:\tessy). 2) Start TESSY 3.1. In the Select Project dialog, please choose Import and select then the ..\tessy\tessy.pdbx (or if Tessy is already open, choose File|Select Project). 3) Open the imported project. TESSY will then open the Restore Database dialog. Please choose the module IsValueInRange. 4) If the environment editor is not starting, please open them from File|Edit Environment... You have to enable the compiler (General - Compiler) and the debugger (General - Targets)