------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample project for Keil C51 (80C515) and uVison (Simulator). Rev.: 1.0 // 2019/09/11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESSY 4.1.19 PK51 Prof. Developers Kit Version uVision V5.26.2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: Keil_C51_uVision.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief description: The sample project uses only a simple function (is_value_in_range) and assumes that you have already experience with TESSY. Extracting the project files 1) Please extract the archive in a folder of your choice, e.g. c:\projects. Do not use $(TESSY_TESTAREA) -> c:\tessy. This directory is reserved for TESSY! 2) Start TESSY 4.1. In the Select Project dialog, please choose Import and select then the ..\tessy\tessy.pdbx (or just double-click the file). 3) Open the imported project. TESSY will then open the Restore Database dialog. Please choose the module 'IsValueInRange'. 4) Please open the environment editor from File|Edit Environment... You have to enable the compiler (General - Compiler) and the debugger (General - Targets) if necessary. 5) Adjust the compiler Install and Target Install path to your local machine accordingly. Using a uVision project: There is a sample uVision project in the archive. Please open ADC.uvproj in uVision and select as Target TESSY_SIM. Please refer to the application notes 020 Using uVision.pdf (Help|Documentation).