------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Project for Microchip XC8-CC ATtiny402 and MPLABG X simulator. Rev.: 1.1 // 2018/05/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESSY 4.3.9 Microchip XC8 v2.32 (mode=free) MPLAB X v5.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: Microchip_XC8_ATtiny402_MPLABX_Simulator.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief description: The sample project uses only a simple function (is_value_in_range) and assumes that you have already experience with TESSY. Extracting the project files - Extract the archive, keep folder structure, import the example project via the .pdbx file into your TESSY project list. - Once you load the project you will be asked to restore the Database, please confirm this. - Open the TEE via File|Edit Environment and inspect the attributes (you may enable expert mode) Compiler Install Path Target Install Path MPLABX Java - If the path does not match your own local installation, please adjust them accordingly.