Today Tessy V2.6 is available. Besides new functions Tessy supports now Microsoft Windows VISTA.
Enhanced coverage visualization and reporting Code Coverage measurements can now be visualized as a flowchart. The relation between source code and branches in the graph is interactively displayed. For each decision the Modified Condition / Decision Coverage (MC/DC) or Multiple Condition Coverage (MCC) can be intuitively displayed in the graphic and connected to the relevant code. The visualization can be selected for individual test cases or several test cases.
Value for the return value of functions in the CTE The Classification Tree Editor (CTE) has been extended with the possibility of entering the return values of the test object so that this value is automatically entered as the expected result in the test data editor.
Visualisation of test data Test data from variable values can now be displayed as a signal data row The visualization can be configured for each individual test step of one test case and for the entire test of all test cases.
C++ support Tessy supports now the testing of C++ modules for certain compilers supporting the C++ language.
Using symbolic constants as test data The use of symbolic constants, so-called #defines, as test data of constant values is now allowed and they can be entered directly with the symbolic name.
Tool Qualification Package As an addition to the new version of Tessy tool qualification package is available. This package is eligible for use within certification processes according to standards like DO-178B, IEC 61508 or Automotive SPICE.