Today we can announce a new release version of our module and unit test-tool Tessy . Version 2.9 features some more comfortable menus besides a lot of functional extensions. One of the new main functions is the temporal component testing. This describes a test of several cooperating functions, merged in one component, in which temporal conditions can be tested due to a time simulation.
Another prominent new feature is the more comfortable Save/Restore-option The backup file(s) in TMB format can now be created for a complete database, for a complete project, or for a complete module in a single action. This eases a lot version control and the transfer of test data.
Improved Support for C99 was also added. Designators in initialisers and a mix of declarations and statements in compound statements, both allowed by the C99 standard, are now supported by Tessy.
The internal database for test data has been redesigned for optimized performance as well as the internal interface database for a faster access to the interface information. If enumerations types are used as base type for bit-fields, the enumerated names can now be used in the Test Data Editor.