Today we can announce the release of a new version of our unit- and integration test-tool TESSY . TESSY Version 3.1 contains significant improvements regarding the coverage measurements.
Entry Point Coverage, for instance is highly recommended in IEC 61508 for SIL 1 applications; Decision Coverage is required by DO-178B/C on level B. Function Coverage is recommended for instance by ISO 26262 for software integration testing. Furthermore, TESSY allows determining Statement Coverage, a measure mentioned in several standards. You can define your own set of preferred coverage measures.
The automatic generation of tests is possible by specifying several single values or ranges of values for input variables. From this TESSY generates a test case containing test steps for all combinations of the input values. This provides a comfortable means of test generation. The original input is saved and can be reused.
TESSY V3.1 also integrates an improved command line interface. This enables TESSY to be used for “continuous integration”. Different to the hitherto solution the graphical user interface is no longer needed for command line execution (“TESSY headless”). This Version is also able to add notes to elements like requirements, test objects or test cases. This enables easy management of to-do lists or to give hints on special facts.