Sample project for IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (NXP S32K148 simulation) / IAR C-SPY(bat) Used Versions: - IAR Embedded Workbench V9.1.7.10450 - IAR ARM Compiler V9.30.1.50054 - TESSY V5.1.8 - Extract the archive, keep folder structure, import the example project via the .pdbx file into your TESSY project list. - Once you load the project you will be asked to restore the Database, please confirm this. - Open the TEE via File|Edit Environment and inspect the attributes (you may enable expert mode) Please read the TESSY's MPLAB X application note (Help->Documentation...->Targets->Using IAR C-SPY) - The test cases eight and nine of is_value_in_range deliberately fail. If they do not fail, the configuration is incorrect for your target device and has to be adjusted.