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TESSY Polarion Plugin
The purpose of the TESSY Polarion Plugin is to import requirements from Polarion to TESSY and export test cases and its results into a Polarion project. The plugin is compatible with TESSY versions 4.3 and higher. We recommend the latest TESSY 5.1 to use with the Polarion Plugin.
The import transfers Polarion modules containing requirements from Polarion to TESSY. Each module will be transferred into one document. Repeated imports are supported.
The export transfers the TESSY elements test collection, folder, module, test object, and test case into Polarion and creates a document with heading and test case elements there including the requirement links. It supports repeated exports to update and modify an existing document in Polarion. It is possible to filter the elements in TESSY. Test steps and execution results are supported.
The plugin uses the Polarion Web Service API of a Polarion server that should be accessible via HTTP if not deactivated. It requires a Polarion user with all necessary access rights to read, create and update the existing Polarion elements. The Export was tested with the Polarion 21r1 release.
If you have any questions please contact our support.
The latest version of the Polarion plugin can be downloaded via the following link:
It contains the latest version of the application note "064 TESSY Polarion Export.pdf" and a “Release Notes.txt” file listing the changes between each version.